2002 News
12/27/02- Whoo! Well, it's sure been a while. Sorry about that. Just nothing happening worth updating. Christmas came, and I got a scanner, so, I figured I'd throw up an image of the beetle I swear I'm gonna build. I know, I always say I'm going to build one, and then don't, but this time, I AM building it. So, be sure to check out "Fling!"'s preliminary page.
11/10/02- Added an archive of a thread me and a couple other guys had on the Junkyard Wars Forum. Lots of fun. Check it out! (I'm becoming really fond of that phrase lately, aren't I?)
10/23/02- Added the LTRC competition report. Check it Out!
10/9/02- Updated the IG progress report! Check it out! IG is done but can be improved and needs to be wired!
9/30/02- Updated the IG progress report! Check it out! IG is almost DONE!
9/18/02- I updated the progress report for It's Grrreat!!! and added a couple of pics and a video of me testing the Armortuf. Check it out!
9/16/02- I started this weeks It's Grrreat!!! progress report. Not a lot there yet, but some though. Be sure to check it out!
9/14/02- NEWS FLASH!!! Flash: Team High Roller discovers opening of Lazy Toad Robot Club on October 19-20, 2002, sponsored by the NERC. Flash: This prompts the decision to build a quick 12 pound rammer. Flash: Designs progress quickly, orders are made, and the build starts almost imedeatly. Flash: Battlebots inc. announces that Comedy Central has decided not to renew taping rights for season 6 of Battlebots. Flash: This spurs belife that the Lightweight and Middleweight classes at LTRC will be filled to capacity, making the event even better. Flash: Team High Roller announces build plans to Kemlite inc. who chooses to sponsor Team High Roller with a test supply of their new Armortuf fiberglass reinforced plastic.
Now then, in addition to these flashes, I have updated this site a bit. I've added a link to our sponsor under the links, as well as one to the LTRC. I've added a new page to "The Bots", featuring a bit of info on our new 12 pounder, and done a bit of general cleanup.
(Note: See if you can find the link hidden somewhere on this site (it is very small) that will take you to the drawings I made for a discussion I am having on the Junkyard Wars forum.)
8/27/02- Well, it's been a while. Not all that much to report still. We've toyed with several designs. I have my 12 lbs design finished, as well as my ant, and have most of the parts for each. Now I need proper tools to build. Need Cash! I also start college today (Yikes, just a few hours!!!). Anyhoo, to tide you over till we get something done, check out this background I made.
6/15/01- As of now, both Thumperizer and the refit of PFH are on ice. Seeing as how we had a total 8 HF drills on our hands, and seeing as it seemed like just to much fun, with are building a 4 wheel rammer powered by 8 HF 9.6V drills. This will be 30 lbs, and the name has yet to be decided on. Watch for progress reports soon. Also, I've added our armor sponsor to the sponsors page. Kemlite makes fiberglass reinforced plastic, and we are combat testing their product for them. We'll let you know how it performs hopefull after LTRC in August.
5/31/02- I Graduated! Yehaa!
5/30/02- Alright, it's been forever since my last update, but there's a good reason for that. There's nothing to update on. A few designs have been planned out, but nothing has been built. What we know so far. PFH will feature better speed and an impact weapon rather than a blade, run on it's own power source at 24V (the motor is rated 12V, so, yehaa!) Thumperizer design has been relatively finalized, however, I am considering simplifying it to a standard overhead hammer, depending on certian things. I probobly won't, but maybe. Thats it for now.
4/0702- I decided from now on I would post formal progress reports for all the bots, so, I've added a new page for that. However, the map in this program wher I keep track of pages is starting to get pretty full, so, updates may take a wee while longer. Heres an interesting fact, minus the pic pages (since I can't figure out how to do regular thumbnails here, this page now has 23 pages of robot packed info! Wow! Sadly, my counter shows most people averagly visiting between 1 and 3.
3/29/02- Updated the HSRC '02 Report, and put up the starting page for Thumperizer! Go on and take a look. Not much there yet, but I will have some parts soon and get some pics up right jiffy now.
3/25/02- Well, we are back from HSRC '02, and I had a blast. We got a pretty lousy record, 1 and 2 with one Bye as well, but it was fun anyways. Check out the HSRC '02 report.
3/19/02- Added 3 pics that show the main frame of PFH, to be found in PFH's pictures. The smaller versions can also be found on PFH's main page. I then proceded to cut up and drill the lexan for the top, but the stuff is so thin, it's brittle, and while the cutting went fine, the drilling made the pieces crack and move around, so only the drill holes on the back plate and one on each motor mount line up. It's not the perfect set up, but hey, go with what works, you know.
3/16/02- Did some major site cleaning and redesign. You can't see most of it, but it is much more organized and together now. It should allow for better updates, and better surfing. All together, I put up an events page, and subheaded an HSRC '02 and Masters page under that. If you run across anything incorrect, let me know.
3/10/02- Just added a picture of the Vantec with top and bottom cushions to the PFH pictures. They are sweet! I didn't even check for it, but they come out to 5" like perfecto! Awsome! Nobody is getting through these babies!
2/04/02- Not so easy as it sounds, methinks. I sent our radio to have it converted to 75 MHz, UPS, first class, insured for $200 and all that jazz, and guess what happens. On the way to the Futaba center, the box gets smashed, the reciver completely lost, and the Transmitter badly damaged. All in all, it will cost $148, excluding conversion. Well, UPS will pay for it all plus, I'll see to that. But there is no telling when we'll get it back. Hopefuly in time for the event.
On the plus side, Mike's company agreed to sponsor us with some machining, so, the frame will be done right soon. I've made a shock pad for the vantec, and nobody will destroy it now. It's got a plate of 16 gauge steel sandwiched between the pad from the front of a ski vest (Thick), and the pad from the rear (thin). I nailed it with a hammer as hard as I could on the workbench with a pencil underneath, and it didn't even dent the pencil. It should protect well. Try that with a cut up old mousepad. Our $280 investment will remain worth $280.
1/20/02- Well, I've gone & Done it. I've moved all the old news to its own page, the 2001 news page. I would have separated the months, and still may, but for now, I am to lazy and don't update often enough. So, that's all for now. Also, we are all registered for the HSRC Robot Conflict event in Philly in March. Just have to get the machining frame done, the armor cut, and assemble it. It isn't as much as it sounds like. Oh yeah, also gotta get the radio converted, but, that should be easy enough. Just send it to the Tower Hobbies repair place, and they ought to be able to do it. Just follow the link below to the old news.